~9,200 companies working in urban & environmental technologies, producing €40 billion in annual revenue
Woman with sunglasses and sportswear standing with dog on pier at Alte Donau
63 kilometres of access to natural bodies of water
40+ smart projects currently running across the city
  • Vienna Business Agency - Sustainable project support

    The Vienna Business Agency offers specific support for companies in their effort to become more sustainable, reduce their use of resources, develop new ideas, and implement them.

    A group of people discussing
  • Climate Lab

    Climate Lab facilitates collaboration between key public and private players in Austria, creates programmes for start-ups and scale-ups across Europe, and provides space to work, and connect at a unique location in Vienna.

  • Klima Fonds

    Together with the domestic economy, research and the people of Austria, Klima Fonds are finding innovative answers to the climate crisis, strengthening the economy and promoting quality of life and prosperity.

    Visit (German)
  • ÖkoBusiness Vienna

    ÖkoBusiness Vienna aims to help companies generate “green and clean” profits through environmental management practices that benefit both the environment and the companies, ensuring financial rewards and high quality for each company.

    Get assistance
    Woman with dog sitting next to river with tree and modern buildings in Vienna
  • Austrian Research Promotion Agency

    The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) is the national funding agency for industrial research and development, and aims to strengthen Austria as a research and innovation centre on the global market.

    Find opportunities
  • Urban Innovation Vienna

    Urban Innovation Vienna advises and supports the city of Vienna and its companies in building and maintaining their ability to transform, as well as promoting sustainable development.


Meet the ecosystem

Aspern Smart City Research
Public Services
Smart City Vienna
Green Energy Lab
AIT Technology
aspern.mobil LAB
Herd Open Kitchen
thinkport VIENNA

Stories from Vienna

Data Economy Technology Report

This report describes the Viennese data economy ecosystem and explores how corporate data provides the basis for addressing a variety of business challenges.

Read the full Data Economy Technology Report here (opens in new window)

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We're here to help you and your team get off to a great start in Vienna.