markta: Leading Austria’s grocery revolution
December 12, 2023|TA
Built with the goal of making high-quality regional products more accessible, markta highlights the significance of digital solutions for pressing eco-social issues.
The team, led by Theresa Imre and Julian Hödlmayr, is expanding their scope by opening a store in Vienna’s Alsergrund.
A business that makes a difference—for the consumer, for the local economy, for the environment—this was the thought behind markta, Austria’s very first digital farmers’ market. Founded in 2017, markta makes organic, high-quality products available at the click of a button. From meat, produce, or pantry items, all the way to cosmetics and household products, everything is sourced from small, local businesses and farmers.
Online grocery shopping is predicted to be one of the fastest-rising trends through 2030, with forecasts showing that online could account for up to a third of the food-at-home market in Europe. It comes as no surprise, then, that markta has found its place in the lives of Austrian consumers, who have been shown to present increased interest in both sustainability and local retail.

“The more production and distribution are embedded into the local ecosystem, the more we can all benefit from our local economy.”
“The more production and distribution are embedded into the local ecosystem, the more we can all benefit from our local economy.”
The small things make a big difference
The model is simple: choose a product, add to cart, pay for your order. The reward, however, comes in the form of things one can’t access when shopping at chain supermarkets. When receiving their delivery, consumers know that the product has travelled the shortest possible route to arrive to them. What’s more, this ensures an exchange—of recognition, knowledge, and ultimately, trust—between the consumer and producer.
The way markta makes use of modern technology to create closeness and awareness is increasingly important to consumers, especially in times of crisis. “The pandemic has shown just how quickly our purchasing behaviour can adapt. Digitization enables efficient decentralized distribution and logistics channels for small and family businesses, while offering consumers more information and transparency,” explains Theresa Imre. Moreover, “the more production and distribution is embedded into the local ecosystem, the more we can all benefit from our local economy and ensure supply in times of crisis.”
Bringing the magic on-site
As of July 2023, customers can also find the products they know and love in-store. Located in Vienna’s ninth district, the markta store complements the online platform as a pick-up location, and offers residents the opportunity to learn more about the team’s philosophy, their farmers, and products. In addition to information, the space also hosts tastings and workshops, with the same goal of dissolving the distance between consumer and producer.
The markta Store
Services of the Vienna Business Agency
Funded through the programme Geschäftsbelebung (business refresh) in 2022
Business Revitalisation FundingFunded through the programme Vienna Online in 2020
Digitalisation FundingFunded through the programme Nahversorgung (local amenities) in 2019
Neighbourhood Business FundingFunded through the programme Services in 2016