Smiling man in a white shirt with blue tie walking towards the camera across a street
Ich bin spezialisiert darauf, Unternehmen von der Westküste Nordamerikas, Lateinamerikas, aus Portugal und Spanien umfassend dabei zu unterstützen sich mit ihrem Unternehmen in Wien niederzulassen.
Nina Jakic
International Business

Do you want to locate your business in Vienna? I specialise in providing comprehensive support to businesses from the North American west coast, Latin America, Portugal, and Spain.
Contact me if you're planning to set up your business in Vienna. Let's meet.

Ich beantworte Ihre Fragen, damit Sie sich mit Ihrem Unternehmen aus Norddeutschland, dem Vereinigten Königreich, Irland, Benelux, Skandinavien, Afrika oder Ozeanien in Wien ansiedeln können.
Jan Riepl
International Business

Is your company from Northern Germany, the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Benelux countries, Scandinavia, Africa, or Oceania, and are you looking to establish a presence in Vienna? Get in touch with me. I'll be happy to answer your questions to expedite the process of locating your business in Vienna.

  • Strong economy and stability

    Vienna's prosperous economy and favourable business environment attract enterprises of all sizes to the city. 

    Business Statistics (PDF)
    View of UN and business district in Vienna by night
  • Growing life science hub

    Learn more about the city's billion-euro life sciences industry, and the people behind it, with LISAVienna.

    Meet LISAVienna
    Woman in white lab coat doing research in a laboratory
  • Business Immigration Office

    Your go-to for all things relating to residence and immigration law for expats in Vienna. Confidential, independent, cost-free. 

    Learn more
    A group of people standing in a museum on a grey floor
  • Top congress city

    Vienna welcomes leaders and experts from every field to more than 160 world-class international congresses and assemblies happening each year.

    Destination Vienna
    Innenhof des MAK Museums in Wien im Sommer.

What else makes Vienna the best city in the world, for you and your company?

High quality of life

Proven time and time again to be the best city in the world to live in, Vienna offers an outstanding quality of life. 

Liveable Vienna
Affordable Vienna

The cost of living in Vienna is significantly lower in comparison to other major European cities like London, Munich, Brussels, Paris, or Berlin. 

Portrait of woman with red hair at bookstore in Vienna
Cost of living index
30% of Austrian GDP from industry

Austria is more than mountains and Mozart. Industry is the backbone of the country's economy. 

Orangener Gabelstapler fährt über ein Betriebsgelände
Commercial spaces for your company

450,000m2 of offices, real estate or special properties for businesses settling in Vienna.


Eine Mietfläche des Gewerbehof Seestadt im Edelrohbau. Einige Handwerker sind bei der Arbeit zu sehen.
Find an office

The number by which Austrian labour productivity exceeds the EU average. 

Frau in blau auf Fahhrad fährt durch Stadtpark
Sustainable technologies in Vienna
51,000 R&D employees

35% of all personnel in Austria's research and development sector work in Vienna. 

Female laboratory technician looking at a test tube
R&D in figures (PDF)
  • Stories from Vienna

    International companies have their eye on Vienna: investments up by 25%

    Vienna is the economic engine that powers Austria, but it is also a sought-after location for companies beyond the country’s borders - find out more.

    Learn more
    Woman and man sitting and speaking on a rooftop Vienna cityscape in front of them
  • Stories from Vienna

    WATCH: Vienna, Life Science Hotspot

    Vienna is on the up as a global life science hub, in areas ranging from tissue regeneration and molecular biology to bionic limb reconstruction, artifical intelligence and veterinary medicine.

    Learn more
  • Stories from Vienna

    Behind-the-scenes tech: The Viennese companies turning the green energy dream into reality

    In the heart of Vienna, a trio of innovative startups is showing how behind-the-scenes technologies can help – and are indeed essential – to make renewable energy practical, affordable and efficient enough to become truly realistic.

    Learn more
  • Stories from Vienna

    Biofabrique Vienna: Design from Viennese waste

    In a world that is increasingly prioritising sustainability and the circular economy, researchers at Biofabrique Vienna showcase how unused resources can be transformed into new materials.

    Learn more
    Biofabrique Kantine in der Festivalzentrale der Vienna Design Week

Let's meet

We’re here to help you and your team get off to a great start in Vienna.