Almost 1/5 of Vienna's companies belong to the creative industries
28,595 companies employ 78,791 people and generate an annual revenue of €12 billion
1.6 million people attend the opera and theatre each year
The software and games sector employs the most people - around 23,000
The Austrian music industry is worth €7.5 billion annually
  • Vienna Business Agency - Supporting Creative Companies

    Funding, competitions, events, networking, cooperations, publications and research for creative companies. The Vienna Business Agency is dedicated to strengthening and promoting Vienna as a business location on behalf of the City of Vienna. 

    Get support
  • Kreativwirtschaft Austria

    Kreativwirtschaft Austria advocates for creative professionals from architecture, music, books & publishing, radio & TV, design, software & games, film & photography, advertising, and the performing arts.

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  • Kreative Räume Wien

    Kreative Räume Wien is a service for vacancy activation and interim use for companies in the cultural, social affairs, creative industries, and who provide community work within the districts.

    Find out more
  • EIT Culture & Creativity

    EIT Culture & Creativity is a vibrant community of leading stakeholders in the cultural and creative ecosystem, including companies, cultural and creative organisations, higher education institutions, research centres and public administrations.

    Check them out
  • Mica-music austria

    Mica provides information on the Austrian music scene, supports Austria-based musicians with advice and information, promotes local music at home and abroad, and improves the conditions for music productions in Austria.

  • Vienna Film Commission

    The first point of contact for national and international film productions, the Vienna Film Commission acts as an intermediary between the City and the film industry, aiding in obtaining shooting permits, finding locations or connecting service partners.

    See how they can help
  • Vienna Club Commission

    The Vienna Club Commission is an independent service centre that supports all players in club culture with target group-specific services such as advice and workshops, know-how, but also with networking and national and international public relations work. 

    Learn more (German)
  • Austrian Fashion Association

    The Austrian Fashion Association aims to promote the professionalisation and internationalisation of the Austrian fashion design scene. They are committed to artistic, experimental and responsible fashion design practice.

    Find out more (German)

Meet the ecosystem

Vienna Design Week
Creative Days Vienna
Architekturzentrum Wien
Forum for Journalism and Media (FJUM)
Waves Vienna Festival
Vienna Contemporary
Wiener Festwochen
The annual Popfest on Karlsplatz by night.
Austrian Music Export
Galleries in Vienna
Wien Modern

Stories from Vienna

Let's meet.

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