Games Talk: Building Game IPs & Brands. 10 Key Lessons
Event in cooperation with SUBOTRON arcademy
Thu, 26.09.2024
- 21.00
Museumsquartier / Q21 / Raum D,
Museumsplatz 1,
In this talk about game IPs in cooperation with SUBOTRON, Christian Fonnesbech (Leverage, Copenhagen) will share experiences from working with many developers and publishers. If you want to build a sustainable studio, you need to build an IP that lasts and a brand that stands out. This is how investors and publishers look at your game, from first pitch to final delivery. Is there a potential IP in the game? Does it connect emotionally? Will your creative decisions stand out in the market? Can it become a series of games?
Christian Fonnesbech
Christian Fonnesbech is Head of IP Development at Leverage (Copenhagen), helping games companies develop lasting IPs and Brands.
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Jutta Scheibelberger
Creativity & Business